
Staying Here

Staying Here {another one in the books}

I finished it!!! So...I finished writing Staying Here... (okay it was before Christmas, but I got married and moved and became pregnant and so I haven't had time to write a celebratory post!) It's high time for one! I am so excited to share this novel with you! I am currently proofreading/editing and hope to… Continue reading Staying Here {another one in the books}

Writing Life

Seven chapters in {it’s working!!!!!!!!!}

So that story idea I mentioned in my last post (in January! Yikes! I am not the greatest blogger!) that was torturing me because I couldn't figure out how to start started! Not only did it start, it's kept going, now grown to a whopping seven chapters and 16,000 words!!! This is just a… Continue reading Seven chapters in {it’s working!!!!!!!!!}

Writing Challenges

The Beginning Moment

I guess it was kind of a while ago that I was on this plane, looking at this sunset, with a very newborn concept of a character taking hold of my imagination. About four months ago...and, although I've written random bits and pieces, although I know so much more about him and other characters than… Continue reading The Beginning Moment

West of Yesterday

The five most useful tools that helped me finish my novel

In celebration of the publication of West of Yesterday (yay!!!!), and also in the hopes that it might provoke some useful ideas for other writers, I thought I would post about some of the tools that helped bring my 'dream story' from a fuzzy conception to an 87,000-word novel in five years of dreaming, and… Continue reading The five most useful tools that helped me finish my novel

West of Yesterday

West of Yesterday is available now!!!

The long-awaited (by me!!!) day is here! West of Yesterday is available to the world! If you'd like to buy it, just click on over to and give me a chance to tell you a story, ad majorem Dei Gloriam! If you'd like to learn more about it, there are more details on my… Continue reading West of Yesterday is available now!!!